West Newton/Rutland
Developer: Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion
Units: Rehabilitate 146 public housing units
Estimated start date: 2018
West Newton/Rutland is a 146-unit federally funded public housing development in 24 historical brick townhouses in the South End. In the summer of 2015, BHA issued a Request for Proposal for developer services with the goal of upgrading the development while avoiding displacement of current residents and to preserve affordability for extremely low-income households. Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA), a community-based non-profit in the South End, was selected as the developer for the rehabilitation of West Newton/Rutland. IBA proposes to convert the public housing units to long-term rental assistance through the Rental Assistance Demostration (RAD) program. The rehabilitation plan will address capital needs at the development, restore the buildings' original historic character and enhance the outdoor space. IBA and BHA submitted a RAD application to HUD and the project is expected to begin in 2018. For more information, please contact Rachelly Suriel at 617-988-4331. For resident updates, click here.

Exisiting conditions of the historical brick townhouses