Program Initiatives and Resources
Boston REACH: Partners in Health and Housing year one initiatives include:
Smoke-Free Housing | Healthy Food and Beverages | Community Health Resources
For additional Health and Wellness services check out our resident services pages.
Be sure that you also take a look at our page on Smoke-Free Housing at BHA and Smoke-Free living resources for available services and resources.
Boston REACH: Partners in Health and Housing visited Unity Days during the 2015 summer at many of BHA's public housing developments and asked residents why their houses are smoke free. Here is why:
Increasing the number of quality smoke-free environments means cleaner air and better health for everyone, including the most vulnerable – children, the elderly, and those with respiratory and cardiac conditions. Year 1 initiatives include:
- Improving the quality of existing smoke-free housing at BHA developments
- Increasing access to smoke-free housing for Rental Assisted/Section 8 residents
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BHA Policy on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
The BHA has a long history of supporting resident health initiatives and promoting resident health. In recognition that Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSBs) can contribute to obesity, tooth decay, heart disease, diabetes and other health issues, it is the BHA’s policy not to purchase SSBs when providing beverages for resident meetings or events. In addition, it is the BHA’s policy to provide water as the primary beverage at these forums.
Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) are drinks with added sugar including: non-diet soft drinks/sodas, flavored juice drinks, sports drinks, and energy drinks. This policy does not refer to coffee, tea, or natural juices.
(Read it in English) (Lealo en Español / Read it in Spanish)
(用中文閱讀 Read it in Chinese) (Li sa-a an lang creole Haitien Read it in Haitian Creole)
This handbook is meant to act as a simple guide that promotes healthy eating among BHA Local Tenants Organizations (LTOs) and residents. The handbook was designed in collaboration with resident leaders from a number of LTOs to create a guide that is relevant and useful for BHA residents. The handbook contains information about nutritional facts, relevant healthy guidelines, and tips on eating healthy on a budget. We hope this handbook provides useful information.
#TasteTheTap at the Old Colony Housing Development
What tastes better- bottled or tap water? The Boston Public Health Commission put Old Colony Housing Development's residents to the test. The results? Watch and see.
Drinking more water and avoiding sugary beverages and eating healthier food are important to maintaining overall health and can help with losing weight. Partners in Health and Housing Year 1 initiatives include:
Increasing tap water consumption
Boston tap water is clean, tastes good, it's good for you and it's free! Boston tap water was once again voted New England's Best and comes from the beautiful Quabbin and Wachusett Reservoirs in central and western Massachusetts. We will work with resident and youth leaders to increase tap water consumption in Year 1.
Decreasing sugary beverage consumption
Research indicates that cutting back on sugary drinks can help you lose weight and reduce your blood pressure. This summer, we will be encouraging residents to take the soda-free summer challenge to improve their health by reducing their soda intake.
Soda-Free Summer Challenge
Research indicates that cutting back on sugary drinks can help you lose weight and reduce your blood pressure. This summer, we will be encouraging residents to take the soda-free summer challenge to improve their health by reducing their soda intake.
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Boston is full of community health resources to help prevent and manage chronic conditions, such as obesity and tobacco-related illnesses. BHA's REACH team will work to connect residents to existing resources in their community and identify need for additional resources. Our Year 1 initiatives include:
Increasing linkages to healthcare resources in the community
BHA and Section 8 residents will be connected to supportive health and human services through HelpSteps, an online information and referral resource that caters to users' needs by location, language, services, nearest bus routes, and more. Connecting residents to community-based resources for quitting smoking will be a main priority in Year 1.
HelpSteps is available as an app for your smartphone:

Mildred C. Hailey Community Partners’ Resource Guide
Collaboratively produced by the Mildred Hailey Tenant Organization, the Boston Housing Authority-Project REACH Initiative, and the Boston Public Health Commission, the Mildred C. Hailey Community Partners’ Resource Guide (Ver copia en Español) contains information about agency partners that are established within the Mildred C. Hailey Development. By providing financial and concrete resources on an ongoing basis along with professional expertise, these partners promote resident engagement, workforce development, continuing education, and other key services in the community.
For additional Health and Wellness services check out our resident services pages.
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