Bridging The Gap Event 2015

BHA and Section 8 residents attend The 6th Annual Bridging the Gap Event at the Amory Housing Development.

Published June 26, 2015 by with 0 comments

Anne Brennan, Eugenia Smith recognized for work with BHA residents

Recipients of ABCD’s Community Awards, Brennan and Smith have spent countless hours volunteering on behalf of residents at the West Broadway public housing development

Published September 18, 2014 by Lydia Agro with 0 comments


Angela Bouteldja
Are the BHA Monitoring Committee Meetings open to the public? If so, I would like to attend. My husband and I live in the West Roxbury Spring Street Apartments and I am interested in getting involved in whatever way I can be of service. Thank you.
3/22/2018 11:59:50 AM
Rachel Goodman
Congratulations to all our students and thank you to all our staff and community partners who help our students achieve their dreams. Special thanks to Betty Carrington, President of the Charlestown Tenant Task Force, and to Lori D'Alleva, BHA's Director of the Charlestown Adult Education Program.
3/17/2016 5:25:23 PM
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