BHA - Boston Saves Partnership

Are you a Boston Housing Authority resident with a student in grades K2, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grade in Boston Public Schools?

If you live in BHA housing with a child in these grades, you're eligible to be entered in a lottery to receive $500 towards your child's college or career training- at no cost to you!

Boston Saves is the City of Boston Children's Savings Account Program that gives each K2 student in Boston Public Schools an account with $50. Currently, all BPS students in grades K2, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th are eligible. The money in this account can be used when your child graduates high school, for college or job training costs.

For this special opportunity, BHA is partnering with Boston Saves to provide BPS students in BHA housing an aditional $500 for their Boston Saves accounts. 500 students will be selected by lottery to receive the stipend; all other eligible students will be placed on a waitlist and be entered into a lottery if more funding becomes available.

To enter the drawing, fill out the form below.

Please contact with any questions.


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