BHA First Home Program

Please be advised the BHA First Home Program is short staffed at this time and the program is only collecting Applications for the WAITLIST at this time. You MUST be homebuying ready by meeting all requirements in the program application in order to add your name to the waitlist. Applicants added to the waitlist will receive program updates as they become available.

Only approved applicants from the program are eligible to move forward in the program, this means you must have a Homeownership Voucher Letter issued by the First Home Program with an ACTIVE date that has not expired. If a BHA resident shops for a mortgage prior to approval from the BHA they are at their OWN risk -- a voucher is by no means guaranteed. Applicants must follow proper procedure to reduce risk to their program eligibility and financial assets.

Previous Applicants
If you submitted an application between February 1, 2024–June 7, 2024 and determined to be eligible your name has been placed on the waitlist and you should have received a confirmation email, you do not need to re-apply at this time. When your name is selected we will review all eligibility criteria with you again.

Current Participants and Homeowners
If you have questions about your HAP/ report changes to income/ submit a new direct deposit form, or questions about program process please consult the STEP by STEP guide which has a comprehensive list of FAQ questions for participants and current homeowners.

Additional information about BHA Homeownership Programs may be found in the BHA First Home Program FAQs.

First Home Program Overview

Receive up to $75,000 in home buying assistance when you purchase a home in Boston!

(Assistance includes down payment, closing cost and other eligible fees)

Click Here to Complete the First Home Program Application

BHA has created new resources to help residents towards their goal of homeownership. BHA’s First Home Program is a partnership with the City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Housing where the City is providing eligible BHA residents with enhanced down payment assistance of up to $75,000 for a home purchased within the City of Boston. This program is available to all BHA residents who purchase a home within the City of Boston.

If you are a current BHA resident interested in buying a home:
WITHIN the City of Boston
BHA program participants interested in buying a home within the City of Boston will receive the enhanced financial assistance of up to $75,000 in partnership with the City of Boston’s home buying assistance program. This assistance program can be used alongside other assistance programs such as MassDreams, STASH and other first time homebuyer programs. This new program allows more families to obtain their goal of homeownership by providing the necessary financial funding, improved mortgage products and home buying counseling services crucial to home buying success. We understand every family is unique and have created multiple pathways for families to achieve their goal of homeownership. Your BHA homeownership advisor will guide you through every step of the home buying process and provide post purchase support.
OUTSIDE the City of Boston
BHA program participants not purchasing a home within the City of Boston are not eligible to receive the down payment assistance through the City of Boston. However, participants can apply to other assistance programs such as MassDreams, STASH, and other first time homebuyer programs. Your BHA homeownership Advisor will guide you through every step of the home buying process including supporting you in obtaining other financial assistance programs as well as provide post purchase support.


Mortgage Subsidy

Regardless of whether a home is purchased within or outside the City of Boston, BHA Section 8 voucher residents have the option to participate in the Section 8 to Homeownership Program where they can continue to use their housing subsidy towards their monthly mortgage payments for up to 15 years. All participants in the HCV program must meet all  HCV requirements and work with BHA approved lenders to ensure households receive mortgage products beneficial to their homeownership goals.

Section 8 voucher residents can use the Boston Housing Authority Section 8 to Homeownership Calculator to determine the estimated housing assistance payment (HAP) they will receive from BHA towards their monthly mortgage payment.

Steps to Getting Started

  1. Tell us more about you by completing the First Home Application
If you are an advocate or have difficulty completing this form please send questions to


General Eligibility Information

  • Be a current BHA resident
  • Be a first-time home-buyer (Have not owned a home in the last 3 years)
  • Have completed a first-time homebuyer class within the last 3 years
  • Have some savings for a down payment
    • (at least 1% of purchase price; for example, 1% of a home priced at $400,000 = $4,000)
    • If you are an FSS participant and have an escrow balance, your escrow can be used to meet this requirement
  • Interested in becoming preapproved for a mortgage
Additional information about the BHA First Home program may be found in the BHA First Home Program FAQs

For additional home buying resources in Massachusetts please visit:

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