
Initial Inspection Process

After you return the completed Request for Tenancy Approval, a Boston Housing Authority (BHA) inspector will visit the apartment to determine whether it is in good condition. The inspection criteria are based on the Massachusetts State Sanitary Code and HUD Housing Quality Standards.

The inspector ensures that the apartment has windows, lights, electrical outlets, is well ventilated, has enough space for the people who will be living there, has two exits and is in safe and sanitary condition. If the apartment does not meet these standards, it will fail inspection. 

If a failed inspection is due to needed repairs, the owner has the option to complete the repairs and scheduled another inspections.  

If the apartment fails the inspection, it is up to you to look for a new apartment as soon as possible. Remember – after the voucher is received, you are allowed only 120 days to find an approved apartment. A failed inspection will slow down the process. You might want to look for another apartment rather than wait for that apartment to pass inspection.  The owner does not have to complete the repairs, if they choose not to participate in the program.

Biennial Inspection Process

In addition to the initial inspection, BHA is required to inspect each Housing Choice Voucher Program apartment every 2 years. BHA will notify the tenant and landlord when the inspection will occur. If the apartment passes inspection, no action is taken. If the apartment fails inspection, the owner and tenant are notified, and the owner is required to make repairs. Once the repairs are made, the apartment will be re-inspected. Some emergency repairs (for example, no heat during cold weather) must be completed within 24 hours, but most repairs are required to be completed within 30 days. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to many inspections questions here.

Contact Information

General Telephone Number
(617) 522-0048

Fax Number
(617) 524-9134

Inspection Dispatchers
North of Boston – Rita Tan – (617) 988-5308, or email
South of Boston – Brianna Sittig – (617) 988-5349, or email

Supervisory Staff
Director of Inspections – Joshua Uftring  (617) 988-5276, or email
Assistant Director of Inspections -  Patricia McKellick  (617) 988-5325, or email
Manager - Arlindo daRosa  (617) 988-5275, or email

Rent Questions
Benjamin Perry  (617) 988-5375, or email
Adanay Morla  (617) 988-4602, or email
Naisha Lopez  (617) 988-4619, or email


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